Warts & Verrucae are no longer a pain to treat
They used to be difficult to treat, persistent, and unsightly. Some can persevere for years, growing deeper and impacting more and more on daily activities.
Around 10% of the population have a verruca. Most people have tried some form of treatment… but it hasn’t worked.
The good news? Swift Microwave Therapy is a scientifically proven solution that attacks the verruca & wart virus at its heart.
Swift is the pioneering new microwave therapy for skin. With treatment times in seconds, Swift provides Podiatrists and Dermatologists with a new, precise and easy way of treating soft tissue lesions.
What is Swift Microwave Therapy?
Swift is a new technology, developed in the UK, which has been licenced for the general treatment of skin lesions in Podiatry and Dermatology. Swift uses microwave energy which is delivered through a special probe applied to the skin to treat the affected tissue.
Why is Swift Microwave Therapy different?
The key to effectively treating verrucae & warts is to trigger the body’s own immune response, rather than simply destroying the infected tissue.
Other wart & verruca treatments aim to physically or chemically destroy it, but do not create an immune response in the body, so the results are very poor, and often leave patients with open wounds & lingering pain, with a risk of other infections.
Swift Microwave Therapy causes an immune response that not only kills the virus in the wart or verruca, but also the virus particles lying dormant in surrounding skin. Meaning a vastly more effective cure rate. Independent clinical research has shown that microwave verruca treatment with Swift activates immune signalling pathways in the body, alerting the immune system to the presence of the verruca and clearing the infected tissue. This independent clinical research was published in the European Journal of Dermatology, showing an effective cure rate of 75.9% in persistent, chronic verrucae in just 3 treatments."
In almost 40 years as a practising podiatrist I've never been more confident in treating verrucae & warts. Which is why we've invested in this new treatment at Cornwall Podiatry."
Go to TreatVerruca.com for more information.
Or phone Liz & Claire on 01326 565 565 to arrange an appointment with one of our podiatrists to discuss the treatment options available for warts & verrucae.
Latest news:
The Scottish inventor of Swift talks about future advances in medical application of microwave therapy.