Warts & Verrucas are a Pain


They are difficult to treat, persistent, and unsightly.

Some can persevere for years, growing deeper and impacting more and more on daily activities. Around 10% of the population have a verruca. Most people have tried some form of treatment… but it hasn’t worked.

The good news? Swift is a scientifically proven solution that attacks the verruca virus at its heart.

Why are warts & verrucae difficult to treat?

The human papilloma virus or HPV causes warts & verrucae.

This virus effectively hides it's existence from the body’s immune system by creating a microenvironment in the skin that encourages the survival and reproduction of the virus.

The virus effectively camouflages itself.


The longer the wart or verruca remains...

The less likely it will go on its own

There is clinical evidence that shows the longer the infection has persisted, the worse the cure rate.

Verrucae that present on the feet are particularly difficult to resolve.

The statistics tell us that 42% of verrucae will disappear within 6 months, but if the condition persists for longer than 6 months, the chances of the virus clearing up without treatment drops to just 8%.


Warts & Verrucae can be painful

And can limit activities

While warts and verruca are not life threatening, they do cause pain that can limit activities, and they can also spread across the hands, feet, and to other areas of the body.

This leaves the many long-standing sufferers in the UK with limited options.

Swift Microwave Therapy

The Most Effective Treatment Available

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