Specialist Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Surgeons

When Foot & Ankle Surgery is the Very Best Option

Having a good working relationship with specialist foot & ankle surgeons is essential for providing our patients with a thorough & comprehensive service.

Working with Mr Butler & his team gives our patients the benefit of the full range of conservative & surgical options.

Mr Mike Butler

has been an Orthopaedic Consultant on the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council since August 2009.

Mr Butler specialises in trauma surgery with previous experience serving in the British Army. He is a specialist Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Surgeon, having done specialist training at the world-renowned Avon Orthopaedic Centre in Bristol (including trauma surgery at Frenchay Hospital) and the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Oxford. He has been an Orthopaedic Consultant on the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council since August 2009.

Cornwall Podiatry has been working with Mr Butler to serve the needs of patients in Cornwall for over a decade with great results for our patients.

Mr Butler's approach to surgery is thoughtful, thorough & holistic. He insists that all conservative options are considered & utilised before surgery is decided upon.

Which is why Mr Butler is the single biggest referrer of patients to Cornwall Podiatry.

Mr Butler's secretary Sara Norton can be contacted at:

Phone: 07725 485025

Website: https://www.cornwallfootandankle.co.uk/